If you are an 18+ years old disabled person who has experienced caregiving in some form while receiving some form of care yourself Charlie Grosset , a PhD student at the University of Sheffield would like to interview you for his research.
Charlie, who has family experience of disability and care and has volunteered at Disability Sheffield in the past explains :
“Usually disabled people are solely seen as people being cared for by someone else. I want to show that disabled people also have life experience of being a carer and that we can learn a lot about care practice from the perspective of disabled people. I’d like to ask how you feel about caregiving and being cared for, what support you are getting or would like to have and your life experience of care. I will be taking these experiences and putting together key recommendations for carer organisations in the UK.
If you are interested in taking part, please contact me by emailing cpgrosset1@sheffield.ac.uk or my work phone number 07375 856472. Once I have received an email or phone call, I will be in touch with more information. You will be given a £50 voucher for participation in this project. Thank you “