28 June 2024
Do you live in South Yorkshire, are between 16-39 years old, and have Type 2 Diabetes? Share your experience on the best way to promote information relating to Type 2 Diabetes and be in with a chance of winning £100 in shopping vouchers.
FULL ARTICLE28 June 2024
Sheffield City Council’s Children’s University holds a programme of free taster activities for children and young people, running across the summer holidays. The ‘Festival of Fun’ is set to return for an action-packed 10th edition from 24th July to 30th August. Try something new and perhaps discover a new passion.
FULL ARTICLE27 June 2024
Compassionate Sheffield and Space to Breathe are working together to create a monthly online bereavement support group, and would love anyone interested in taking part to help shape the group. This follows on from the success of the Sheffield Life, Loss and Death Festival in May.
FULL ARTICLE25 June 2024
Every year, Cycling UK, highlight 100 exceptional women who promote cycling and encourage others to take part. This year we are nominating SC4A cyclist Chella Quint who has been borrowing an e-trike from our cycle loan scheme. Chella is a well-known menstrual activism campaigner, community champion and influencer. Join us in nominating Chella by 30 June.
FULL ARTICLE20 June 2024
Thank you to everyone who entered our logo competition last month to find a logo for the Sheffield Travel Support service. We were amazed by the number of entries we received from all over Sheffield. We’ve had a very difficult time choosing a winner, but after a lot of thought we are very proud to announce our top three!
FULL ARTICLE18 June 2024
Learning Disability Week runs from 17th – 23rd June 2024, with the theme ‘Do You See Me?’. The annual campaign aims to raise awareness of the lives of people with a learning disability and ensure they are a visible, valued part of society. Our Self advocacy group, Sheffield Voices is celebrating all their achievements with a picnic on Tuesday as they head towards their Big Voice Event on Access at the Town Hall on Friday 21 June from 10am to 3pm. They are very much seen and heard ! Check out what else is happening.
FULL ARTICLE10 June 2024
This new Community Youth Services group is inviting 13 to 24 years olds with a Special Educational Need or Disability to help to make SEND services better for young people in Sheffield. It’s a chance to talk about and share your experiences and ideas with decision makers. meet new people and make new friends. Check out SEND youth clubs as well.
FULL ARTICLE06 June 2024
We want Sheffield to be a centre of excellence for advocacy and are looking to recruit more Independent Advocates to enable this to happen. Disability Sheffield is part of the Sheffield Advocacy Hub, and all organisations in the hub are currently recruiting advocates. The closing date for applications to Disability Sheffield has been extended and is now 9am on Wednesday 3rd July 2024.
FULL ARTICLE06 June 2024
Polling stations will be open from 7am to 10pm when we vote for our next government on Thursday 4 July. Local authorities have to ensure that the voting experience is accessible for everyone and we’re making you aware of important reminders and deadline dates in June that may affect you, if you wish to cast your vote, perhaps in an alternative way.
FULL ARTICLE06 June 2024
Showroom Cinema are looking for enthusiastic film fans aged 16-19 for their BFI Film Academy Summer Residential! You’ll gain experience and insight into indie cinema through workshops delivered by industry professionals. Plus, you’ll even get to put on your own film festival at Showroom Cinema! Apply by 1st July.
FULL ARTICLESign up to our latest news on local and national disability related issues and events
Andrew Crooks
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