26 January 2024
Our Sheffield Voices self advocacy group would like to invite you to their next Big Voice Conference on the 23rd of February from 10am to 2pm at Sheffield Town Hall . The main theme for this conference is Transport in Sheffield. This event is for people with a learning disability and Autistic people living in the Sheffield area.
FULL ARTICLE24 January 2024
Do you have an interest in accessibility of local public transport (bus, tram, and rail)? Sheffield Transport 4 All is looking for new members and would like to hear from you!
FULL ARTICLE17 January 2024
Ofgem, the energy regulator, confirmed earlier this month that EDF, Octopus and Scottish Power have been given permission to restart involuntary Pre Payment Meter installations after meeting their set of conditions. They are still required to follow a robust set of rules which have a ‘Do not Install’ category for high risk customers.
FULL ARTICLE16 January 2024
Do you want a say in Sheffield’s clinical and social care strategy? Sheffield Health and Social Care is holding an event on 30 January from 10am to 1pm, with updates from key speakers, interactive sessions to learn more about the different pieces of work that are happening, and opportunities to provide your feedback and input into future plans.
FULL ARTICLE15 January 2024
TV sci-fi series Doctor Who has taken a small but significant step towards disability rights – by installing a ramp so wheelchair users can get into the famous Tardis.
Actor Ruth Madeley who has spina bifida and uses a wheelchair and plays scientific advisor Shirley Anne Bingham on the show says to Tennant’s Doctor “At last, you’ve finally caught up with the 21st century.”
14 January 2024
So much anger and hate is directed against LGBTQ+ people. SAYiT has created this film with young people in Sheffield who are LGBTQ+. They discovered in their conversations that acceptance was often found in small moments shared between family and friends.
FULL ARTICLE08 January 2024
ShipShape Community Hub, which already offers physical and mental health support and practical assistance with food and hardship problems, has a new Social Wellbeing Cafe every Thursday from 11am-1pm.
FULL ARTICLESign up to our latest news on local and national disability related issues and events
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Andrew Crooks
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