25 August 2020
If you’re a care worker, an unpaid carer or receive care have you been inspired to get creative during these extremely challenging times? Sheffield University is looking for entries to ‘I’ll be here in the morning’, a digital exhibition celebrating our community of care and designed to “give a voice to the unheard and put faces to the unseen”. The deadline for submissions is 20 September.
FULL ARTICLE24 August 2020
Disability rights campaigner Caroline Richardson and Dr Simon Duffy, founder and director of the Sheffield-based ‘Centre For Welfare Reform’ are co-authors of a new proposal for a universal Basic Income Plus. The authors would like to hear your views on their proposal of a basic income that identifies additional bolt-ons for long term illness, disability, and caring.
FULL ARTICLE21 August 2020
At Disability Sheffield we appreciate actions speak louder than words. It is not enough for us to say we support the Black Lives Matter movement, instead we must demonstrate our commitment to making sure we are not part of the problem. We have started out on this journey by setting up a focus group to identify any racism in our organisation so this can be correctly addressed.
FULL ARTICLE20 August 2020
Sheffield City Council has commissioned the Endorphins Group to supply a fully funded key worker service to assist clients aged 18+ who are unemployed or economically inactive.Lead Worker Paul says “Our staff have worked with people who have been held back because others have seen their disability and not their potential. We believe in challenging society’s stereotypes and supporting everyone to reach their goals and see just what they can do.”
FULL ARTICLE19 August 2020
People claiming benefits often reach out for advice on how to deal with the system – but unfortunately not all advisors are honest and exploit benefit claimants to make money while providing poor or non-existent support. Activist group Disabled People Against Cuts is asking people to tell them about their experiences as they launch a campaign to try to stop these sharks. DPAC has also issued its own advice about selecting a benefits advisor preferably from Citizens Advice.
FULL ARTICLE18 August 2020
During the Covid19 pandemic many appointments, meetings and leisure activities have taken place remotely. Shaping Our Lives want to find out if remote communication technology is a good way for you to take part or receive a service or if remote ways of communicating are difficult or impossible for you to use.
FULL ARTICLE17 August 2020
The Commission On Social Security launched its 8 proposals to improve the benefits system on 12 August – with hundreds watching online. Now they are looking for more people to take part in their consultation about the proposals. The organisation was set up in May last year and all the commissioners are Experts By Experience, coming from claimant/user-led groups and Deaf and Disabled People’s Organisations.
FULL ARTICLE14 August 2020
Sheffield’s new Race Equality Commission is calling for submissions of evidence to support its inquiry into race inequality in Sheffield and looking for volunteers to join its group of commissioners to contribute expertise throughout the inquiry. We are keen that the voices of disabled people experiencing race inequality are heard so please submit your experiences to the Commission by the deadline of 18 September 2020.
FULL ARTICLE14 August 2020
Tramlines have raised an incredible £19,600 for local charities, including Disability Sheffield, so far this year! There’s still time to add your support – the special edition Chari-Tees have been restocked for the last time and the Tramlines IPA ‘In The Park’ IPA is still on sale.What better way to spend time in the sun ( or shade ) than in a cool T shirt drinking a tasty local IPA while raising money for local charities!
FULL ARTICLE14 August 2020
If you have autism, live in South Yorkshire and need help to find work, Autism Plus have launched a new free service offering one to one employment support.The sessions are delivered by video call and include an initial phone call to discuss your needs and support you to get online.
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Andrew Crooks
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