30 November 2015
The website is designed to be a celebration of the oldest third of Sheffield’s population and a point of information for anyone aged 50+ in Sheffield.
FULL ARTICLE26 November 2015
See Disability Rights UK’s submission and the government’s response to the Department of Health’s consultation concerning services to people with learning disabilities, autism or mental health conditions.
FULL ARTICLE23 November 2015
In Control, Lancaster University and Think Local Act Personal have published the findings of the third Personal Outcomes Evaluation Tool (POET) of over 500 personal health budget holders and carers.
FULL ARTICLE23 November 2015
Advice on keeping well this winter from NHS England.
FULL ARTICLE23 November 2015
Come along and see this display of Christmas trees decorated by 30 local and national charities, including Disability Sheffield.
FULL ARTICLE23 November 2015
Keep up to date with what’s happening during Disability History Month from the 22 November to 22 December.
FULL ARTICLE17 November 2015
Act for the Act urges you to sign a letter to Justice Secretary Michael Gove to tell him the Human Rights Act is too important to all of us to be scrapped.
FULL ARTICLE17 November 2015
Did you know that whenever you buy anything online – from your weekly shop to your annual holiday – you could be making a free donation to Disability Sheffield ? There are nearly 3,000 retailers including Amazon, John Lewis, thetrainline, Aviva and Sainsbury’s, who will donate a percentage of the amount you spend to Disability Sheffield to say thank you for shopping with them. It’s really simple, and doesn’t cost you anything.
FULL ARTICLE10 November 2015
A new ‘Disability and Tax Guide’ website from the Low Incomes Tax Reform Group provides information and guidance on all taxation matters surrounding employing a Personal Assistant ( PA ) including a free e mail helpline.
FULL ARTICLE10 November 2015
If you are an unpaid carer and would like to have your say on how Sheffield City Council should deliver services to family carers like you, then come along to one of these workshops.
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Andrew Crooks
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