28 July 2015
The Chancellor may not have done some of the things people feared in relation to disability benefits, but, says Prof Peter Beresford in an article in Disability Now magazine, his measures are likely to disadvantage us further.
FULL ARTICLE28 July 2015
Is it the fault of the media in demonising disabled people as scroungers? View a summary of key findings in a new report published by the Disability Hate Crime Network.
FULL ARTICLE27 July 2015
Last Thursday on BBC3 Actor Adam Pearson, who has suffered verbal and online abuse as a result of his facial disfigurement, set out to question the reasons for disability hate crime.
FULL ARTICLE23 July 2015
As part of BBC3’s disability season, Fresh online is featuring a video diary of the story of a young disabled man living in Burngreave – one of 90 films about what it’s like to be young in the UK today.
FULL ARTICLE20 July 2015
The Extra Costs Commission has spent the last year exploring the extra costs faced by disabled people and their families and produced its final report with 16 recommendations.
FULL ARTICLE20 July 2015
RightsInfo believe that Human Rights in the UK have an image problem and there is huge potential to do a better job at explaining why human rights matter and how they can change people’s lives.
FULL ARTICLE20 July 2015
This judgment enables around 500 families to seek the reinstatement of their Disability Living Allowance payments, so they will be able to afford to visit and care for their sick children having long-stay hospital treatment.
FULL ARTICLE20 July 2015
The Royal College of Psychiatrists has launched a new app giving access to the College’s mental health information leaflets, videos and podcasts.
FULL ARTICLE20 July 2015
Please note that Sheffield Cycling for All is cancelled this Thursday due to a lack of cycle sessions leaders and volunteers over the summer holiday period.
FULL ARTICLE15 July 2015
Sheffield Healthwatch in partnership with Disability Sheffield, Sheffield Mind, Sheffield Mencap and Gateway and Partners for Inclusion are holding a discussion forum on adult social care on 11 August from 1.30 -3.30pm at The Circle, 33 Rockingham Lane, Sheffield S1 4FW.
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