Disability Sheffield
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  • Tell Us your Pyjama Drama

    Tell Us your Pyjama Drama

    Sheffield Voices is proud to announce we have secured funding from the Arts Council to run a self-advocacy drama group, Pyjama Drama. We are on the lookout for people with a learning disability who want to join us to come and make theatre about their experiences of being in lockdown during Covid.

  • Sheffield Voices Express Anger Over Abuse Scandal

    Sheffield Voices Express Anger Over Abuse Scandal

    Learning disabilities self-advocacy group Sheffield Voices has called for change and expressed anger in a video after an autism and learning disability unit was closed to new admissions . A CQC report identified that The Firshill Rise unit was not safe or effective and people experienced harm because of a lack of protection, abusive incidents, restraint and seclusion.

  • Mencap and Gateway Children's Groups

    Mencap and Gateway Children's Groups

    Sheffield Mencap and Gateway have a range of new extra-curricular projects for children aged 6 – 16 with learning difficulties/disabilities or autism. There is something for everyone – from drama to fitness to technology.Sessions are best suited to children who can remain in one room for 45 minutes at a time and cost £3 per session.

  • Mencap Call to Transform Care

    Mencap Call to Transform Care

    National charity Mencap are asking for your support to call on the government to keep its promise after the Winterbourne scandal to support people with a learning disabilty and/or autism to move out of inpatient units and back into the community.

  • Inquest into Tragic Death of Local Disabled Woman

    Inquest into Tragic Death of Local Disabled Woman

    The Guardian has reported on an inquest taking place at Sheffield Town Hall into the tragic death of a young woman with learning disabilities. Laura Booth stopped eating after she was admitted to the Royal Hallamshire hospital for a routine eye operation in October 2016 after her attempts at communication were, her family says, ignored by clinicians.

  • All People with Learning Disabilities Prioritised for Covid Vaccinations

    All People with Learning Disabilities Prioritised for Covid Vaccinations

    The Joint Committee on Vaccinations and Immunisations has confirmed that everyone with a learning disability will now be prioritised for vaccination under group 6.If you qualify you need to be on your GP’s learning disability register to make sure you are offered the vaccination in group 6.If you are not on the learning disability register and should be, then please give your GP surgery a week to get in touch then take further action to get on the register including contacting us if need be for further information.

  • Legal Right to Personal Health Budgets Survey

    Legal Right to Personal Health Budgets Survey

    The charity In Control has set up a survey to look at the delivery support tools for personal health budgets, focusing on the legal ‘Right to Have’. It will help the NHS understand how helpful / inclusive the tools are to ensure that people with learning disabilities and autistic people are included in the legal ‘Right to Have’. The closing date is Tuesday 2nd March 2021.

  • Carers Workshops : Identifying Early Signs of Worsening Health

    Carers Workshops : Identifying Early Signs of Worsening Health

    NHS England and NHS Improvement Learning Disability and Autism Programme is inviting family carers to take part in a workshop. This free online training has been designed to help carers of people with a learning disability and/or autism easily identify signs that the person they care for may be unwell and to let them know what they should do next. The workshop is free and only for carers of someone who is over the age of 16. Sessions are available until the end of March. The training is 90 minutes long and you only need to attend one session.

  • Artworks Competition

    Artworks Competition

    ArtWorks Together is an international competition,established by ArtWorks South Yorkshire, offering adults with learning disabilities and/or autism the opportunity to showcase their artistic talents to gain the recognition they deserve. There are cash prizes for the winning entries and selected submissions will be exhibited at Wentworth Woodhouse. Entry closes on 12 February 2021

  • January Grab and Go and Be Health Aware Sessions

    January Grab and Go and Be Health Aware Sessions

    Speakup are continuing to raise awareness about their new Covid 19 Grab and Go sheet . If you have a learning disability or autism and need to go into hospital because of Coronavirus the Grab and Go sheet gives the information doctors and nurses need. Online sessions are scheduled for 19th & 20th January.

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Recent Feedback    (We'd love to receive your feedback, please click here to add some)

A fantastic presentation thought provoking and good questions from the floor around promoting this film/message to the general public not just professionals.
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training feedback

Disability Sheffield is a forward-thinking, energetic organisation doing a lot of positive work in Sheffield. I have no doubt they will continue to do so for a long time to come.
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Very good presentation, brave of the speakers to tell their stories and had a very high impact - feedback from Mate/Hate Crime presentation and video session at Safeguarding Working Together Conference
The service received was rated as:  

feedback training

When I moved to Sheffield nearly five years ago it was my "go to" organisation. I expect it to stay that way. All the staff and volunteers seem to pull out little gems of effort that disabled people like me couldn't do without. Professionally and personally - I love em :)
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Andrew Crooks