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  • Consultation Over Pavement Parking Ban Plan

    Consultation Over Pavement Parking Ban Plan

    Pavement parking often presents major challenges for disabled people, especially for people with visual impairments , wheelchair users and people who use mobility aids, leading to calls to make it illegal. After years of campaigning the Government has set up a consultation on whether pavement parking should be banned and local authorities given more powers to challenge those who do so.The consultation closes on 22 November 2020.

  • NHS Communication Methods Should Support Disabled People

    NHS Communication Methods Should Support Disabled People

    New research by Healthwatch England has found that some patients receiving remote consultations found them to be inaccessible. It suggests that there should be no blanket roll out of video conferencing and urged the NHS “to use the right blend of communication for specific patients, blending text, phone, email, video and in-person.”

  • Concerns over Lockdown Easing whilst Access Barriers Remain

    Concerns over Lockdown Easing whilst Access Barriers Remain

    In her Huffington Post article “Lockdown Might Be Easing But Not For Disabled People Like Me”, visually impaired writer and activist Dr Amy Kavanagh expresses her concern that the new much-used label of “vulnerable” is obscuring the real societal barriers that will make exiting lockdown impossible for disabled people.

  • Deaf And Blind People's Anger At Lack Of Access

    Deaf And Blind People's Anger At Lack Of Access

    People from blind and deaf communities say they have been left feeling isolated, scared and at risk due to a lack of access to vital information during the coronavirus crisis. A group of charities have told the Government they’re concerned over the way the particular needs of disabled people are not being taken into consideration in official communications.

  • New HoME group demands next government increase accessible housing

    New HoME group demands next government increase accessible housing

    A coalition of organisations is campaigning for accessible housing under the banner ‘HoME – Housing Made for Everyone.’ The group has written an open letter to the next government to demand that urgent action is taken to tackle the growing shortage of accessible homes in the UK.

  • How Access Officers in Sheffield Help Secure Independence for Disabled People

    How Access Officers in Sheffield Help Secure Independence for Disabled People

    Disability Sheffield as a member of the Access Liaison Group are supporting a petition that seeks to safeguard the access officer positions within Sheffield City Council. If Sheffield wants to be leaders in the field of inclusivity for disabled people then it has to lead by example and retain its Access Officers in order to ensure the involvement of disabled people around consultation and the built environment. This article includes a link to the change.org petition where our goal is to reach 100(00) signatures and we need more support.

  • Lacking Parking Bays in Your Area?

    Lacking Parking Bays in Your Area?

    Anne-Marie Marshall complained to Sheffield City Council and successfully campaigned for parking bays for blue badge holders, in her area of Crookes. So much so that the Council has asked her to help them identify where bays are needed. Anne-Marie is inviting you to contact her if you live in an area where there are on street parking bays that don’t have bays for blue badge holders so that she can let the Council know.

  • Take Part In Major UK Access Survey

    Take Part In Major UK Access Survey

    The access guide set up by powerchair user Euan McDonald MBE is once more doing what is described as the UK’s longest-running access survey – and there is a chance of prizes for all those taking part.Every year the survey aims to find out if access across the nation is improving or otherwise. This year’s survey covers all sorts of venues and attractions and asks people to nominate the best places to go.

  • Hillsborough Park - All Wheeled Bike Park Survey

    Hillsborough Park - All Wheeled Bike Park Survey

    Sheffield City Council is working with Access Sport and Sheffield Hallam University on a new open access, off-road, community all wheeled bike park based in Hillsborough Park. You can give your views on the proposal and help Sheffield City Council to make the right decision by completing their survey which closes on 26th October

  • Off The Shelf 2019

    Off The Shelf 2019

    Off The Shelf, one of Britain’s largest and most accessible literary events, returns to Sheffield from October 5-26 and this year is expanding into other parts of South Yorkshire. All the main venues have disabled access although you are asked to inform the box office when booking if you or a member of your party is a wheelchair user.

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Recent Feedback    (We'd love to receive your feedback, please click here to add some)

When I moved to Sheffield nearly five years ago it was my "go to" organisation. I expect it to stay that way. All the staff and volunteers seem to pull out little gems of effort that disabled people like me couldn't do without. Professionally and personally - I love em :)
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Andrew Crooks

Very good presentation, brave of the speakers to tell their stories and had a very high impact - feedback from Mate/Hate Crime presentation and video session at Safeguarding Working Together Conference
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feedback training

A fantastic presentation thought provoking and good questions from the floor around promoting this film/message to the general public not just professionals.
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training feedback

Disability Sheffield is a forward-thinking, energetic organisation doing a lot of positive work in Sheffield. I have no doubt they will continue to do so for a long time to come.
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