11 June 2020
Lockdown restrictions due to the coronavirus crisis are to be eased from this weekend – but some disabled people may still be left at a disadvantage. Read about ‘support bubbles’, shops reopening and having to wear face coverings on public transport from Monday 15 June and how the changes will affect you.
Following a successful legal challenge supported by the Equality and Human Rights Commission Arriva London North Ltd have taken positive measures to support disabled bus users.Drivers will undertake more disability equality training and adopt a pro-active approach to ensuring that disabled people using wheelchairs have access to priority spaces.
FULL ARTICLE11 March 2020
Disabled passengers on Sheffield and Rotherham’s Supertram now have the option of downloading and printing cards that let staff know that they may require assistance and what sort of help is needed. The Passenger Assistance Cards contain a message saying ‘please be patient’ or include a selection of options such as stating that the user is deaf, has a visual impairment or has difficulty communicating or has hidden disabilities.
FULL ARTICLE14 October 2019
The Equality and Human Rights Commission legal support project provides funding and legal assistance to help people who have experienced discrimination to pursue their claims and access justice. They now want to challenge transport operators when they have failed to act on their legal responsibilities.
FULL ARTICLE05 August 2019
People from across South Yorkshire, whether they use a bus or not, are being asked for their views on bus services which will be used to inform an independent review announced by Mayor of Sheffield City Region Dan Jarvis earlier this year. Respondents have until 27th September to complete the survey.
FULL ARTICLE18 July 2019
Air pollution contributes to 500 deaths a year in Sheffield, causing strokes, lung cancer and cardiovascular disease.Sheffield City Council is consulting on plans to reduce air pollution and would like your help to shape what these plans are through their Clean Air Zone Consultation, which aims to improve air quality in the city by 2021.
This is your chance to give your views on both Sheffield City Council’s new Home to School policy and the Post-16 policy. Please note the different deadlines for feedback.
FULL ARTICLE27 March 2019
The Guide Dogs Association is making a call to the Government to speed up their promises over Talking Buses by asking people to contact their MP.Two years ago, it was announced that all buses nationally were to become Talking Buses, meaning that they would be fitted with audio visual announcements. However they still haven’t told bus companies when and how this will happen.
FULL ARTICLE30 January 2019
Young carers in Sheffield have set up a petition calling for free bus passes for young carers so they can undertake their caring responsibilities more easily, carry on with their education, training or employment, and have the chance to have a social life.The petition will be presented to the full council meeting on Wednesday February 6th.
FULL ARTICLE20 November 2018
Through the four bus partnerships in the county, local bus operators are seeking views and feedback on proposed changes including improvements in service frequency along key corridors and improved access to employment.The consultation runs until Sunday 9 December 2018 and gives you the chance to tell local bus operators what you think before changes are implemented in February 2019
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Andrew Crooks
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