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  • Sharing Taxi Experiences

    Sharing Taxi Experiences

    If you are a taxi user and have any recent experiences you would like to share then please get in touch with us at Disability Sheffield.Also do you have views on whether wheelchair accessible rear loading taxis would be a good or a bad thing? Sharing your experiences will help support work both on existing taxi issues already reported and on responses to the Clean Air Zone proposals which require many taxi drivers to change or upgrade their vehicles.

  • Review of Polling Districts and Polling Places

    Review of Polling Districts and Polling Places

    Have your say on where you vote. We reported earlier this year about the local campaign for accessible polling stations. Sheffield City Council is reviewing polling districts and want to make sure polling stations are in the right locations and have suitable facilities to make voting as easy as possible for everyone.They have already made some proposals and would like your feedback by 30 November.

  • Mental Health Support at Work

    Mental Health Support at Work

    Did you know that you can get support with your mental health at work through Access to Work? Able Futures and Remploy deliver the Access to Work Mental Health Support Service service, which offers a step-by-step support plan, advice on simple reasonable adjustments in the workplace and access to a mental health professional for up to nine months to support you in your journey to better mental health.

  • Is the Accessible Information Standard Working ?

    Is the Accessible Information Standard Working ?

    At Disability Sheffield in our latest video we’re asking people living in Sheffield How Accessible is Your GP’s Surgery? It’s very timely to release our video just as a coalition of charities, SignHealth , Sense, RAD, RNIB, LDEngland, Visionary, RNID and HealthWatch have come together to review how the Accessible Information Standard has impacted patient experiences, five years on from its implementation in 2016. Please complete their survey.

  • Debbie's Rambling is Accessible

    Debbie's Rambling is Accessible

    Disabled rambler Debbie North, who was recently interviewed by Clare Balding for her Radio Four programme Ramblings,will be seeing the sights near Sheffield this summer as she leads an accessible and wheelchair-friendly adventure in the Peak District. Debbie, who lives in Cumbria was a keen hill walker until a spinal condition meant she now has to use a wheelchair. She is now passionate about making the countryside accessible.

  • Accessible Polling Stations Campaign Pays Off

    Accessible Polling Stations Campaign Pays Off

    Congratulations to our very own advocate and Sheffield campaigner, Anne Everson ,who has spoken of her success in ensuring more of the city’s polling stations are accessible to disabled people. Anne started her campaign three years. Due to her efforts and just before the elections took place this week Walkley Library polling station was moved to Ebenezer Methodist Church and the Hallamshire Tiles polling station was moved to Crookesmoor Lifelong Learning Centre.

  • Make Voting an Accessible Experience for Everyone

    Make Voting an Accessible Experience for Everyone

    There should be no barriers to voting for disabled people. Everyone should have the right to vote on their own and in secret. You have the right to support if you would like to vote. In their new report ‘Elections for Everyone’ the Electoral Commission is calling on the UK governments, political parties and those who run elections to make voting more accessible. At Disability Sheffield we’re concerned that some polling stations in Sheffield are not accessible.

  • The Census is Coming.

    The Census is Coming.

    The census is a unique survey that happens every 10 years. It provides a snapshot of all the people and households in Britain – the most detailed information we have about our society – on one particular day. Census Day is Sunday 21 March 2021. It’s important you complete your questionnaire and lots of support is available should you need it.

  • Access at Sheffield Mass Vaccination Site

    Access at Sheffield Mass Vaccination Site

    If you are invited for vaccination you will now have the option to use the mass vaccination site at Sheffield Arena. You must have an appointment to attend. Read the full article to find out more about the various aspects of accessibility considered at this vaccination site.

  • Are you Affected by Town Centre Changes ?

    Are you Affected by Town Centre Changes ?

    Has your town or city centre been changed due to the coronavirus crisis and has this limited or affected your ability to access shops or services in any way? Activist group Disabled People Against Cuts is compiling a dossier that they hope to present to local authorities to encourage them to not make alterations that adversely affect disabled people.

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Recent Feedback    (We'd love to receive your feedback, please click here to add some)

A fantastic presentation thought provoking and good questions from the floor around promoting this film/message to the general public not just professionals.
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training feedback

Very good presentation, brave of the speakers to tell their stories and had a very high impact - feedback from Mate/Hate Crime presentation and video session at Safeguarding Working Together Conference
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feedback training

Disability Sheffield is a forward-thinking, energetic organisation doing a lot of positive work in Sheffield. I have no doubt they will continue to do so for a long time to come.
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When I moved to Sheffield nearly five years ago it was my "go to" organisation. I expect it to stay that way. All the staff and volunteers seem to pull out little gems of effort that disabled people like me couldn't do without. Professionally and personally - I love em :)
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Andrew Crooks