03 March 2023
Our Healthy Living and Physical Activity Project network has now launched their free toolkit online to help make community healthy living and physical activity groups and facilities more accessible to adults with autism, learning disabilities and severe mental illness. The project also supports mystery shoppers to try out activities and give feedback.
FULL ARTICLE02 March 2023
Disability Sheffield’s learning disability and Autism group, Sheffield Voices, is holding their next ‘We Speak You Listen’ event at Hillsborough Arena on 17th March from 10am-2pm including lunch (provided).This month we will be creating drama, art and stories around the learning disability communities experiences in the Covid pandemic and discussing our human rights, all with a tie in to the red nose day event around the same theme.
FULL ARTICLE02 March 2023
You may have noticed that the Sheffield Directory, Sheffield City Council’s community information website, has changed recently and some pages are ‘under construction’. Their information team is looking for local people who can help them to improve the content of the website – whether that’s information that’s missing, details that are wrong or out-of-date, or ideas for ways the website can help people to take part in their community and help each other.
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training feedback
Andrew Crooks
feedback training
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