08 January 2020
Healthwatch Sheffield want to identify what issues and areas they should focus on in the next few years and want to hear from members of the public about what is important to you. Please fill in their short survey and let them know what you think are the key issues in health and social care in Sheffield. Your responses will influence Healthwatch Sheffield’s priorities over the next 2-3 years, as well as informing other work that they do, such as raising issues at meetings and visiting services.
FULL ARTICLE08 January 2020
Do you want the chance to tell Sheffield City Council what your hope and concerns about the city are? Well time is running out to take part in a major viewfinding exercise, To give your views you can attend a number of Big City Conversation events from 10 – 25 January )or give your views in an electronic survey which closed on 17 January.
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feedback training
Andrew Crooks
training feedback
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