Disability Sheffield
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Blog Archive

  • Self Isolation Rules and Covid Testing Difficulties

    Self Isolation Rules and Covid Testing Difficulties

    The government has issued new guidance on self isolation and warns that the test booking site is currently very busy. If you struggle to order a Lateral Flow Test or a PCR Test, please be patient and try again later or try ordering a home test kit to be delivered to your home.See the opening times for 119 during Christmas and the New Year

  • Autism Peer Support Sessions

    Autism Peer Support Sessions

    Autism Peer Support is where autistic people use the lessons learned from their own experiences to support other autistic people. Skills for Care are holding 12 online/virtual meetings in December 2021 and January 2022 for autistic people, families and other key stakeholders to explore what capabilities are needed for Autism Peer Support.Participants can be paid £15 per hour.

  • Recruitment and Retention of PAs Survey

    Recruitment and Retention of PAs Survey

    Do you employ your own Personal Assistants (PAs), carers or support workers? If so please can you complete this short survey by the Local Government Association about the recruitment and retention of PAs. It has been designed by people who employ PAs, for people who employ PAs. If you prefer, In Control are offering two one-hour online zoom video meetings on 5 January 2022 where you can talk through the survey questions instead of filling in the form. The deadline is 22nd January 2022.

  • Booster Jab Boost and Move to 'Plan B'

    Booster Jab Boost and Move to 'Plan B'

    The situation is changing rapidly in response to the risk of the Omicron variant of Coronavirus.The Prime Minister gave an address to the nation yesterday on the urgency of increasing the booster jab rollout so that everyone eligible aged 18 and over in England will have the chance to get their booster before the New Year. The government has now moved to ‘Plan B’ restrictions in England.

  • Disabled Staff Disproportionately Affected By Covid

    Disabled Staff Disproportionately Affected By Covid

    Disabled people in the UK have been disproportionately exposed to COVID-19 in the workplace, according to research conducted in Sheffield.The report calls for questions about whether there are sufficient safeguards for disabled people in the workplace, and the longer-term implications for a labour market where COVID-19 is a persistent health issue.

  • Petition to End Institutionalisation

    Petition to End Institutionalisation

    On the International Day of Disabled People the European Network on Independent Living ( ENIL )launched a petition for members of the public to sign, with a hope to attract the attention of policy and decision makers at both national and European levels. It makes a series of demands, such as the closure of institutions for disabled people across Europe, to enable disabled people to live independently and with dignity.

  • Living With Dementia Toolkit

    Living With Dementia Toolkit

    A new online toolkit has been developed for and by people living with dementia and carers covering topics such as staying safe and well, staying active, staying connected, keeping a sense of purpose and staying positive. It aims to inspire through examples of real-life experiences, offering ideas to help people with dementia live how they choose and giving hope for the future.

  • Wheelchair Skills Workshops For Youngsters

    Wheelchair Skills Workshops For Youngsters

    Learning how to use a wheelchair can be difficult but the charity ‘Go Kids Go’are running training sessions in Sheffield next month on Sunday 16th January 2022 to help youngsters learn all the skills they need. During the sessions trainers work with between one and four families at a time, focussing on the young person’s wheelchair skills enabling them to be as independent as possible.Social distancing measures will be in place to keep everyone safe.

  • New BAME Befriending Project for Over 65s

    New BAME Befriending Project for Over 65s

    A new inclusive befriending service for BAME (Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic) communities in Sheffield has been set up. The Inclusive Community Care project is part of Sheffield Churches Council for Community Care’s existing Good Neighbout scheme, helping to reduce older people’s feelings of loneliness and isolation through regular telephone support and friendly visits to their home.

  • Managing Mental Wellbeing Over Christmas

    Managing Mental Wellbeing Over Christmas

    It may be the most wonderful time of the year but Christmas can be overwhelming and stressful for many people. So Sheffield IAPT (Improving Access To Psychological Therapies) is offering help in the form of one-off managing wellbeing sessions, during which you can learn techniques and tools to help support yourself.The sessions take place on Thursday 9th December from 5.30pm-6.30pm and Thursday 16th December at the same time.

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Disability Sheffield is a forward-thinking, energetic organisation doing a lot of positive work in Sheffield. I have no doubt they will continue to do so for a long time to come.
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Very good presentation, brave of the speakers to tell their stories and had a very high impact - feedback from Mate/Hate Crime presentation and video session at Safeguarding Working Together Conference
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feedback training

A fantastic presentation thought provoking and good questions from the floor around promoting this film/message to the general public not just professionals.
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training feedback

When I moved to Sheffield nearly five years ago it was my "go to" organisation. I expect it to stay that way. All the staff and volunteers seem to pull out little gems of effort that disabled people like me couldn't do without. Professionally and personally - I love em :)
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Andrew Crooks