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The Centre for Independent Living

We are a membership and user led organisation, run and controlled by disabled people. We promote independent living for disabled people in Sheffield. By independent living we mean that disabled people have the same freedom and rights to exercise choice and control over their own lives as any other person.

URGENT FUNDRAISING APPEAL – Disability Sheffield have launched an urgent appeal to raise £10,000 by the end of March. Any support, donations or sharing will help! Visit our JustGiving Page to donate today!

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URGENT APPEAL - Disability Sheffield Funding Appeal

URGENT APPEAL - Disability Sheffield Funding Appeal

We have launched an urgent appeal to raise £10,000 before the end of March! – Donate HERE!

This money will help Disability Sheffield continue to deliver community advocacy work that genuinely changes the lives of thousands of people across Sheffield for the better, now and into the future.

ADHD Survey

ADHD Survey

Sheffield Autism Partnership Network and Sheffield Voices are working together to hear the experiences of people living with or suspecting they have ADHD. They want to hear from people with ADHD of all ages about what kind of support already exists, how good it is, and what kind of support you wish was available.

Could you Volunteer with SC4A?

Could you Volunteer with SC4A?

This year is going to be a busy one for Sheffield Cycling 4 All with a new evening session and a fortnightly Saturday session in Hillsborough Park plus twice weekly off-road cycling sessions at Parkwood Springs! All of this means that our inclusive cycling project is in need of new volunteers.


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Saturday 31st May

Tinnitus Information Roadshow - 9:30 - 15:30

Tinnitus UK is holding a free Tinnitus Information Roadshow on Saturday 31st May at Work Station (next to Showroom Cinema) in Sheffield, 9.30am to...


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First Disabled Astronaut  to go to International Space Station

First Disabled Astronaut to go to International Space Station

John McFall, a former Paralympian sprinter has been cleared to take part in a mission on the International Space Station. John, who lost his leg in a motorcycle accident aged 19, has represented Great Britain and Northern Ireland in the 100m winning over a dozen medals. He then left the sport to become an orthopaedic surgeon but is now the first disabled person to join a crew for a long-duration mission.

Digital Support from Citizens Advice

Digital Support from Citizens Advice

As more and more of everyday life is now taking place online, people who are not used to it or have difficulties with technology for a variety of reasons – including disability – may start to struggle. Which is why Citizens Advice is now offering free digital support across South Yorkshire.

Help to Create a Fairer Benefits System

Help to Create a Fairer Benefits System

Disability Rights UK (DR UK) is urging disabled people and organisations to take part in a survey and online focus groups in March. The Commission on Social Security, a group of people with lived experience of the benefits system are developing a proposal for an Additional Costs Disability Payment to replace Personal Independence Payment (PIP), aiming to create a fairer, more dignified, and supportive system.

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Recent Feedback    (We'd love to receive your feedback, please click here to add some)

Very good presentation, brave of the speakers to tell their stories and had a very high impact - feedback from Mate/Hate Crime presentation and video session at Safeguarding Working Together Conference
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feedback training

A fantastic presentation thought provoking and good questions from the floor around promoting this film/message to the general public not just professionals.
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training feedback

Disability Sheffield is a forward-thinking, energetic organisation doing a lot of positive work in Sheffield. I have no doubt they will continue to do so for a long time to come.
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When I moved to Sheffield nearly five years ago it was my "go to" organisation. I expect it to stay that way. All the staff and volunteers seem to pull out little gems of effort that disabled people like me couldn't do without. Professionally and personally - I love em :)
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Andrew Crooks