We are a membership and user led organisation, run and controlled by disabled people. We promote independent living for disabled people in Sheffield. By independent living we mean that disabled people have the same freedom and rights to exercise choice and control over their own lives as any other person.
Complete our short sign up form letting us know what areas of our work you’d like to know more about, and we will be in touch when we have news, events or projects relating to your interests! Click here to sign up
Our Sheffield Voices self advocacy group would like to invite you to their next Big Voice Conference on October 4th from 10am to 2pm at Sheffield Town Hall. The main theme for this conference is Employment, Volunteering and Meaningful Activity. This event is for people with a learning disability and Autistic people living in the Sheffield area and we also welcome service representatives.
FULL ARTICLE“We have lost a lot of Blue Badge space in the centre.” “Seriously detrimental, it is a lot, lot worse since Covid.“They are ignoring a whole community’s needs and it is
disgraceful.” These are a few comments expressed at our recent focus group. Participants gave their open and honest feedback about the barriers and issues across Sheffield centre for Blue Badge holders, captured in our report.
Every year, Cycling UK, highlight 100 exceptional women who promote cycling and encourage others to take part. This year we are nominating SC4A cyclist Chella Quint who has been borrowing an e-trike from our cycle loan scheme. Chella is a well-known menstrual activism campaigner, community champion and influencer. Join us in nominating Chella by 30 June.
FULL ARTICLEWe are building a strong network of disabled people in the city to discuss current issues, influence policy, create connections and learn from one another....
MORE DETAILSWe are pleased to announce that Sheffield Voices next Big Voice Conference at the Town Hall is about Employment, Volunteering and Meaningful Activity.
This event is...
MORE DETAILSArtWorks is a supported studio for artists with learning disabilities, autism or both. At our Open Studio, you will have the opportunity to meet...
MORE DETAILSA Tour of Kelham Island Museum’s latest redisplay and collection highlights, delivered wholly in British Sign Language (BSL).
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The Paris 2024 Paralympics are here! This year the hashtag #ChangeTheGame has been trending across social media. It’s a call to action for society to reconsider how it views disability and the Paralympics. It represents a growing movement to ensure that Paralympic athletes receive the recognition, respect, and coverage they deserve.
FULL ARTICLEUnless the new government extends the scheme, the Household Support Fund is scheduled to close at the end of September 2024. If you have not claimed a grant in the 3 months before your application you can still apply for financial assistance with the cost of living until then.
FULL ARTICLESheffield Teaching Hospitals have updated their site maps and guides to indicate where all the disabled parking spaces are, in case there are any which patients are not aware of. This follows feedback from Disability Sheffield’s learning disability and autism self advocacy group, Sheffield Voices members about their lived experience of parking there.