Disability Hub and the Equality Network
The city-wide Equality Hub Network has been set up to enable under-represented communities in Sheffield to be able to have a say on issues that affect them and influence the decisions that are made in the city.
The Network is made up of the following Equality Hubs based on protected characteristics under the Equality Act 2010: Age Hub (young people and older people),BME Hub (Black and Minority Ethnic),Carers’ Hub,Disability Hub, LGBT Hub (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans)Religion/Belief Hub (includes no religion/belief)Women’s Hub
Access Liasion Group
Disability Sheffield work closely with the Access Liaison Group, a group, which ensures that disabled people can have a fair input on changes across the city.
New members are always welcome so please contact us if you wish to get involved.Email James.Martin@disabilitysheffield.org.uk