Are you in receipt of Continuing Health Care funding from the NHS? If so , you may be interested to learn more about the way in which you can have much more control over all aspects of your care. As part of the Gearing up for Personal Health Budgets, Disability Sheffield has teamed up with Sheffield Healthwatch to offer you a chance to come and find out what a Personal Health Budget is and what it could mean for you. This conference is at The Circle, 33 Rockingham Lane S1 4FW and is open to both professionals and disabled people and their supporters. Lunch is free. Sheffield Voices, a learning disability self advocacy group, will be presenting their drama ‘What can a personal health budget do for me?’. We are showcasing our new personal health budget animation and there will be a short presentation by the Commissioning Support Unit. You can book a place on Eventbrite or contact Kathryn Littlewood at Disability Sheffield on ( 0114 ) 253 6746 and leave a message. Please remember to leave your name, contact details and whether you have any dietary requirements.