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Current Consultations

Bereavement Support Group
This survey from Space to Breathe and Compassionate Sheffield is to express interest and preferences for a monthly online Bereavement Support Group to start in Sheffield in the summer.
Closing date 5 July
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Type 2 Diabetes Survey
NHS South Yorkshire Integrated Care Board aims to better understand you experience of living with Type 2 Diabetes and how best to promote their services
Closing date unknown
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Making Sheffield Safer
Sheffield City Council has two surveys as part plans to prevent and respond to domestic abuse, sexual abuse, sexual harassment and violence against women and girls (VAWG).
Closing date unknown
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Creating an Accommodation Plan for Sheffield
Sheffield City Council wants to develop an accommodation plan for people who need support due to their disability or long term health condition and may require accommodation and support to live independently.
Closing date unknown
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Sheffield Cultural Strategy
Asking what the focus of a new culture strategy should be and aiming to rebalance the conversation around culture to magnify voices that are less frequently heard.
Closing date unknown
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Communication and Tenant Satisfaction Panel
If you’re a Tenant or Leaseholder of Sheffield City Council, they are seeking your involvement and views on how you think the meetings for this Panel should run in an online survey and meetings.
Closing date unknown
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Access to Dentistry
Sheffield Council’s Health Scrutiny Sub Committee are holding a workshop with Health partners to understand and make recommendations to improve dentistry services in Sheffield. As part of this they would like to hear from members of the public about their experiences through this questionnaire.
Closing date unknown
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Right Treatment, Right Time
Rethink Mental Illness is inviting people and those who care for them to share their experience of using mental health services during the last two years.
Closing date unknown
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Sheffield City Council Equality Objectives 2024-28
Have you say on the equality objectives to support Sheffield’s diverse communities and promote equal opportunities for all.
Closing date unknown
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Electric Vehicle (EV) Public Charger Demand Tracker
Drop a pin on to the map and tell Sheffield Council where you think public chargers for EVs should be installed.
Closing date unknown
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Sheffield City Goals Conversation
Take part in a further consultation to inform changes made to the Sheffield City Goals before they are finalised and then launched in early 2024.
Closing date unknown
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Fair Bus Deal
South Yorkshire’s Mayor, Oliver Coppard, has launched a campaign to highlight the downgrade of bus routes across South Yorkshire inflicted by cuts in Government funding.
Closing date unknown
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Adult Social Care Workforce Survey
The first national survey of care workers, conducted by Skills for Care, Ipsos and the University of Kent on behalf of the Department of Health and Social Care, is gathering information about working conditions, organisational characteristics, and workplace culture.
Closing date unknown
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Trans Pennine Trail Visitor Survey
The Trans Pennine Trail wants to understand who, why and how people use the Trail to inform actions to improve the quality of the TPT and better promote the route to others.
Closing date unknown
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Learning Disability and Autism Survey
If you have visited Sheffield Teaching Hospitals they would like to hear from you about their services.
Closing date unknown
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What is End of Life Care like in South Yorkshire?
Healthwatch Sheffield want to understand what would make experiences of end of life care better for people in South Yorkshire.
Closing date unknown
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Experiences of Disabled Consumers
Disability Rights UK is seeking your experiences of consumer harm to evidence a funding application so that the voices of all consumers are heard, and that action is taken to tackle consumer harms.
Closing date unknown
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Our City, Our Goals
Help shape Sheffield City Council’s City Goals by completing as much or as little of this survey as you’d like.
Closing date unknown
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Recommissioning Sheffield’s Community Based Domestic Abuse Service
Sheffield City Council is consulting to make sure they commission a service that is fit for purpose asking you what you think a domestic abuse service should do.
Closing date unknown
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Healthwatch Sheffield Work Priorities 2023 – 2025
A survey asking what areas of health and social care you think Healthwatch Sheffield should focus on over the next two years.
Closing date unknown
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Meeting your Sexual Health Needs
Sexual Health Sheffield ask for your feedback in their Disability:Service Improvement Questionnaire.
Closing date unknown
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Maternity Care
Sheffield Teaching Hospitals are seeking your experiences of maternity care.
Closing date unknown
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NHS Recruitment Feedback
To discover as much as possible about attitudes towards working for the NHS, and any barriers that need to be considered.
Closing date unknown
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Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm Service Public Survey
NHS England would like to hear your views about the delivery of AAA Screening in South Yorkshire and Bassetlaw (SYB) including when and where the service should be offered, and any support that could be put in place so that all men aged 65 years can access the AAA programme in SYB.
Closing date unknown
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Learning Disability Today Health Survey
All participants will be entered into a draw for a £50 Amazon voucher.
Closing date unknown
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European Network on Independent Living ( ENIL )
On the International Day of Disabled People on 3 December ENIL launched a petition to attract the attention of policy and decision makers at both national and European levels. It asks for the closure of all institutions and other measures to to enable disabled people to live independently and with dignity.
Closing date unknown
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Mental Health Crisis Care
Sheffield NHS invites your comments on services to help people when they are in need of mental health support, from lower level voluntary sector provided services through to hospital treatment.
Closing date unknown
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Tickets For Good Audio Description Survey
To help the organisation improve events for visually impaired people.
Closing date unknown
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Sheffield Physical Activity Referral Scheme (SPARS)
This exercise referral questionnaire is part of a consultancy project between Sheffield Hallam University and Sheffield City Trust.
Closing date unknown
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Access to Care and Support or Treatment during Covid-19
Report your experience of getting care or treatment during the pandemic to the Be Human movement, hosted by Disability Rights UK and In Control.
Ongoing Consultation
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CQC:Tell Us About Your Care
Let the Care Quality Commission know about your experiences of care to help them understand the quality of care you get from services like care homes, care agencies, hospitals and GPs.
Ongoing Consultation
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Recent Feedback    (We'd love to receive your feedback, please click here to add some)

Very good presentation, brave of the speakers to tell their stories and had a very high impact - feedback from Mate/Hate Crime presentation and video session at Safeguarding Working Together Conference
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feedback training

Disability Sheffield is a forward-thinking, energetic organisation doing a lot of positive work in Sheffield. I have no doubt they will continue to do so for a long time to come.
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A fantastic presentation thought provoking and good questions from the floor around promoting this film/message to the general public not just professionals.
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training feedback

When I moved to Sheffield nearly five years ago it was my "go to" organisation. I expect it to stay that way. All the staff and volunteers seem to pull out little gems of effort that disabled people like me couldn't do without. Professionally and personally - I love em :)
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Andrew Crooks