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Professional Business and Personal Life Coaching

Contact Details

Professional Business and Personal Life Coaching
Redlands Business Centre
3-5 Tapton House Road
South Yorkshire
S10 5BY

Telephone: 0114 327 2683
Email: enquiries@mikelawrence.co.uk
Website: http://www.mikelawrence.co.uk/life-coaching/

Would you ask your best friend to rewire your home if he wasn't a qualified electrician? Would you ask your partner to teach you to speak Dutch? Not unless they've trained in those fields. So why does it seem reasonable to rely on our families, friends, and workmates to help you to achieve your very unique, authentic life goals?

Why do you believe that if you don't find support and help with your intentions from those around you then either you aren't worthy of your ambitions? Would we form an opinion out ourselves or our loved ones so firmly if they don't process the required specific skills and expertise such as fixing a car or writing a best-seller? However, we are often frustrated when people around us are unable to know what would bring us happiness, how to encourage us to live a fulfilled life, or how to offer us constructive advice that we would follow through.

Now, this might not sound like you. Maybe you've given up entirely. Perhaps you've decided that you should be content with your lot in life and have buried your long-held dreams goals and aspirations.

However, the next time you envy your friend who just changed careers and is now living their dream, or left their role to set up a new business.

Ask yourself and examine why you don't think that you deserve an experienced expert to help you recognise your dreams and aspirations to support you as take actions to achieve your goals.

Maybe you've never heard of life coaching. Or it's for someone else. Perhaps you think it won't work for you. Let's clear up some common misunderstandings.

First of all, life coaching is an undertaking term that incorporates coaching for a wide range of areas, from finances to relationships to developing a healthy lifestyle. Life coaching is extremely popular with people from all walks of life worldwide.

Coaches and clients are often in different locations since sessions usually take place face to face, telephone, or Skype.

Life coaching is a process that requires the total commitment of the client. Coaches support clients to identify obstacles, hurdles, and explore new opportunities.

Life coaches are proficient in their careers and are good at asking essential questions to unlock the client's potential. There is a quote, "The quality of your life is a function of the quality of questions you ask yourself."

Experienced life coaches understand when and how to ask the right questions that elicit the answers that increase the quality of your life.

Furthermore, coaches work with you over a set time to make sure that you follow through on your responsibilities; that key piece known as accountability is a fundamental aspect of the coaching process. So what do you think is the No. 1 reason to hire a life coach? Develop a better relationship with the people that are close to you and love.

That for some may seem an odd reason, but let's explore it in more detail. We tend to blame several people and circumstances for the quality of our lives that we lead. Though many different life people and situations can influence all of us, however, when working with a life coach implies that you are taking full ownership and responsibility for your life in the future.

Free up the all negative energy picked up in earlier frustrations, pains, and hurt. Besides, as you discover how to design a life you yearn and experience the results, you will develop a greater understanding of loving the people who surround you.

Your positive energy will define how you relate to the people you love. Your results may motivate those around you to pursue their aspirations, dreams and goals. Your recently discovered energy, gratitude, and sense of responsibility will enhance the quality of all your relations.

The pressure that you place on others who offer you support and advice is removed, so the time you spend with the ones you love is focused more on enjoyment and forging stronger relationships. You start seeing them as exceptional people and friends instead of someone who have denied or owe you something.

In the life coaching process, you become stronger and more skilled at living a better quality of life. Albert Einstein stated, "Problems cannot be solved by the same level of thinking that created them." After months or years of thinking yourself in circles, why don't you seek a new approach, introduce a new level of thought to gain clarity? In your case, that means a third party, invest in a life coach.  

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A fantastic presentation thought provoking and good questions from the floor around promoting this film/message to the general public not just professionals.
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Disability Sheffield is a forward-thinking, energetic organisation doing a lot of positive work in Sheffield. I have no doubt they will continue to do so for a long time to come.
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Very good presentation, brave of the speakers to tell their stories and had a very high impact - feedback from Mate/Hate Crime presentation and video session at Safeguarding Working Together Conference
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When I moved to Sheffield nearly five years ago it was my "go to" organisation. I expect it to stay that way. All the staff and volunteers seem to pull out little gems of effort that disabled people like me couldn't do without. Professionally and personally - I love em :)
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Andrew Crooks